Psychic Abilities

As power from the warp flows into realspace, it splits into eight parts, each perceived by those with psychic awareness (often called the second sight) as a separate colour. Just as the warp comprises tides and currents of emotion that over the millennia have melded together to form the great Powers of Chaos, so in realspace each of the colours of psychic power draws on a certain type of emotion or energy from warpspace.  This gives each colour its own distinctive effects when used by a psyker.  A small amount of raw energy from the warp leaks through into realspace all the time. Those with psychic powers see this energy as layered mists of colour, building into boiling, turbulent clouds and multihued storms where the barrier between the warp and realspace is particularly tenuous.

To cast a psychic attack, the psyker pulls energy of one colour into himself, draining the surrounding area as he concentrates and focuses the colour. When he uses his powers, he further weakens the distinction between warpspace and realspace, allowing more power to flow through, providing additional impetus to his attack and replenishing the mist of colour that surrounds him. To those with psychic second sight, it appears that the psyker is the centre of a maelstrom as fragments of colour whip and twist around him, As he gathers all the energy of one colour, the storm dies for a brief moment and he stands at the calm centre of the boiling clouds – he moulds the power into his chosen form, turning it with his mind from raw energy into a potent weapon of attack or a shield of defence. Then he releases the pent-up energy, hurling it at his enemy or pushing it out to form an impenetrable shell around him.

Those with the second sight see psychic attacks in many ways. Each psyker interprets what he sees according to his understanding of the warp: some as a dance of pure colour; others as a strange geometry of mystical symbols drawn from the arcana; many as images of power and destruction taken from the mythologies of their homeworld. Where one may see bolts of startling colour, others will see the talons of huge beasts grappling with their enemies or strange forms with a Daemonic glint in their eyes ripping and tearing.  For some, skeletal hands reach out of the darkness with the touch of death where others see all-consuming hellish fires burning with the souls of the damned. One will see spiders and beetles whose eyes glow with an uncanny radiance and whose feet send out sparks as they skitter along faint webs of colour to reach with thin feelers into the minds of their victims. Another will see pools of darkness that spread from the caster to consume everything they meet with the insatiable hunger of the warp.

Even those without the second sight see flickering shadows, or catch a sight of something from the corner of their eyes, binging a moment’s dread apprehension before the psyker’s attack busts upon them with its full energy, surrounding them with deadly files or a hail of coloured bolts that strike down all in their path.

As well as using the power of the warp by drawing it into realspace, the psyker can reach out within the warp itself to clutch the soul of an enemy and break the thread that connects it to a living body. For a second the eyes of his victim will go blank and any who look into them will feel drawn in, sucked by the black emptiness of death, before the victim crumples to the ground in silence – only his soul, torn apart by the psyker, screams unheard with the agonies of annihilation.

The links of those who are weak are easily broken; the psychically strong are anchored to their souls with adamantine chains and only the most powerful of enemies can threaten them. As they feel the presence of animosity in the warp, they can concentrate their power into the chain, setting it aglow as if just pulled from the fires of a furnace, throwing back the assailant with a white psychic heat that burns any who approach.

Levels of Mastery

For humans, the path to psychic mastery is long and tortuous.  There are many dangers on the way: the unwary invite possession by the Daemons; the foolhardy risk everything before they are prepared and are crushed by forces beyond their understanding; the proud may be ensnared by the seductions of Chaos.

Some fail at the first step; many see their souls consumed by the insatiable hunger of the dark beings within the warp.  But for those who persevere and survive the arduous road, mastery brings great knowledge and power.

Stealers are all psychic to varying degrees, drawing knowledge and power from all members of the brood.  3rd and 4th generation Hybrids are able to channel and direct their psychic powers, delivered from the shared presence within the warp.  Although the abilities of Hybrids vary less than those of their Human counterparts, some are gifted greatly, rising in rank of Magus.  The main focus of the power however, is with the Patriarch, having the strongest psychic mind.

The Four Levels of Mastery

There are four levels of psychic mastery, ranked from 1st level (the weakest) to 4th level (the most powerful).  

A psyker with only 1st level mastery is a relative novice, taking his first steps in controlling and focusing the raw energy of the warp.  A 4th level master wields consummate power, able to strike down his enemies, bend space and time, and control those around him by pure force of mind.


  • Original Game Design: Richard Halliwell.
  • This Advanced Edition Revision: Ken Allen
  • Original Expansions and Revisions Design: Jervis Johnson, Matt Forbeck and Andy Chambers.
  • Additional Material: Paul Murphy, Alex Goh, Dean H. Bass and Martin Kay.
  • Illustrators: Dave Andrews, John Blanche, Wayne England, David Gallagher, Jes Goodwin, Pete Knifton, Ian Miller, Steve Tappin, Kevin Walker, Paul Bonner, Fangorn, Mark Gibbons, Paul Green, Gary Harrod, Tony Hough, Richard Wright, Tony Ackland, Nick Coleman and Ken Allen.
  • Tactical Cards and Additional Counter Designs: Ken Allen
  • Copyright: All original game design, artwork, concepts and story are owned by Games Workshop: UK – Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS – US – Games Workshop, 6711 Baymeadow Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21060-6401 – Australia – Games Workshop, 23 Liverpool Street, Ingleburn, NSW 2565 – Canada – Games Workshop, 2679 Bristol Circle, Unit 3, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 6Z8

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