Work in progress

Work is still ongoing with this project with delays being mainly due to other work commitments and the slow progress of drawing all the artwork.

I am very pleased with everything so far and I thought it would be a good idea to upload the work I have done so far to give a glimpse of what’s to come.

First up, shows how the work on the new counters are coming along. I decided to redo most of the original counters as well to provide continuity.

I also want to add to this website, more of my own artwork, so as not to use other (copyrighted) work. So I’m starting on these but they unfortunately take the longest to complete.

Here’s one I’m working on. You will most likely know where the inspiration for it came from but my version is going to be without any Terminators and Stealers.

Lastly, here is a 30second Timelapse showing start to finish of another piece based on a Terminator armed with the Cyclone Missile Launcher.

So that’s it for now. I shall crack on and update as and when more is completed.