Unit Facing, Activation and Line of Sight

Unit Facing

Each unit can be faced in one of four facings within a space.  (N, S, E or W)

4 Marine units, facing North, East, South and West
4 Stealer units, facing North, East, South and West

The unit’s facing is very important as it determines the possible actions it can perform. 

Both players should agree before play, which is the front of each model. It is recommended to go with the direction of the model’s head.

Unit Activation

You may activate your units in any order you choose, but each unit may be activated only once per turn, and you may activate only one unit at a time.  Once you have finished with one unit and activated another, you cannot activate the previous unit until your next turn.

Line of Sight (LOS)

Marines don’t have eyes (or camera mounts) in the back of their heads. They can see only targets that are in front of them in a 90-degree arc. However, as they are equipped with sophisticated vision-enhancement equipment, they can see for an unlimited distance (providing there is nothing that blocks LOS in their way).  Scanners allow Marine units to see the local area topology and any moving objects, usually depicted as Blips unless positively identified as friendly or threats. 

Only events that happen within this 90-degree arc can be physically seen by that unit. Things that block LOS will block the view beyond (Marine and Stealer units, doors, walls and other items or effects where stated). 

In straight corridors, working out what is blocked from LOS is easy but in rooms and wider corridors it can become tricky when units are at diagonals to each other. If there is any doubt, use a ruler starting from the centre of the first unit to the centre of the second unit. If the line of the ruler passes through a square containing anything that blocks LOS, then the second unit cannot be seen.  If the line passes directly between two squares, LOS is blocked only if both squares block LOS.

The Marine has LOS to Stealer units A and B. Stealer unit A is blocking the LOS to Stealer unit C.


  • Original Game Design: Richard Halliwell.
  • This Advanced Edition Revision: Ken Allen
  • Original Expansions and Revisions Design: Jervis Johnson, Matt Forbeck and Andy Chambers.
  • Additional Material: Paul Murphy, Alex Goh, Dean H. Bass and Martin Kay.
  • Illustrators: Dave Andrews, John Blanche, Wayne England, David Gallagher, Jes Goodwin, Pete Knifton, Ian Miller, Steve Tappin, Kevin Walker, Paul Bonner, Fangorn, Mark Gibbons, Paul Green, Gary Harrod, Tony Hough, Richard Wright, Tony Ackland, Nick Coleman and Ken Allen.
  • Tactical Cards and Additional Counter Designs: Ken Allen
  • Copyright: All original game design, artwork, concepts and story are owned by Games Workshop: UK – Games Workshop, Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS – US – Games Workshop, 6711 Baymeadow Drive, Suite A, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21060-6401 – Australia – Games Workshop, 23 Liverpool Street, Ingleburn, NSW 2565 – Canada – Games Workshop, 2679 Bristol Circle, Unit 3, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 6Z8

The owner of this web site advises visitors to buy original products, where available, from Games Workshop. The contents of this site are intended as additional fan-made material for existing owners of the original editions of Space Hulk by Games Workshop only.
